We need your help
Volunteers spend tremendous time and energy promoting the Stampede and the city of Medicine Hat and area, provide valuable service to the community, and are the foundation of volunteerism at other large special events. If you would like to volunteer with any of our Committees ranging from entertainment to special events to the rodeo, submit your Volunteer Application to the Stampede Office.
Volunteer Committees
- 50/50
- Beer
- Beer Gardens
- Better Living
- Box Seat, Dignitaries & Grandstand
- Casino
- Chuckwagons
- Country in the City
- Entertainment
- Free Entertainment
- Grand Entry
- Green
- Grounds Beautification
- Historical & Heritage Resources Management
- All Breed Horse Show
- Kiddies Day
- Lounge
- Maintenance
- Outside Gate
- Parade
- Beef Pen Show
- Pioneer Village
- Promotions
- Queen Contest
- Risk Management
- Rodeo
- Stampede Summer Jam
- Store Decorating
- Youth
- Visual Arts
Volunteer with us today!

More ways to get involved
Employment Opportunities
Interested in joining our team of awesome people who keep the Stampede running smoothly?
Please submit a resume with a cover letter to mhstampede@mhstampede.com